UPVC Doors & Window Stoke-on-Trent uPVC doors have two main locking components. One is the actual lock that is operated by the key, these are known as euro cylinders, and the secondary one which is known as the multi point locking system which is situated within the door.
When opening and closing your door the process should be smooth and without excessive force when lifting the handels or turning the key. If however your door doesn't operate smoothly and needs more effort than you think it should to close it then these are the early warning signs that something is wrong and there is potential of this leading to the multi point locking mechanism failing (breaking).
A failed mechanism can usually be identified by loose, flopping or stiff handles that won't operate the locking mechanism. This can result in you being locked in or locked out or not being able to secure the door.
At SC Locksmiths we believe prevention is better than cure and offer a servicing package for uPVC doors. Please ring for futher details and to arrange a service.
If however your locking mechanism has failed don't panic. Here at SC Locksmith we can gain entry (get the door open) if it has failed in the locked position and sort out replacement locking mechanisms, euro cylinders, fit them and make all the necessary adjustments so as to get the door back in good working order
Multi Point Locking System These are the main part of the locking system on a uPVC door and are made by numerous manufacturers and come in many different configurations.
At SC Locksmiths we know like anything mechanical with moving parts these locking mechanisms benefit from regular servicing and maintenance to reduce excessive wear and to prolong their life span.
SC Locksmiths offer a door servicing package. Call us today for more details or to book an appointment.
Euro Cylinders The most common problems with euro cylinders are slipped cams and keys being broken off in them.
Slipped cams can happen for a number of reasons and are usually identified by the ability to lock the door but then being not able to remove the key from the lock.
Broken keys can usually be removed fairly easily without damaging the euro cylinders leaving them in full working order.
SC Locksmiths can supply and fit all euro cylinders and also offer higher security options if required.
UPVC Windows uPVC windows work on a very similar principle to uPVC doors, as in they have a locking mechanism which is operated by the handle. And just like uPVC doors they benefit from regular maintenance.
Consideration should be taken with regards to locking window handles or separate window locks with regards to your home insurance. Details of which can be found in your insurance policy.
SC locksmiths can fit new locking window handles or fit additional locks to your windows. Call us today on 01782 898 095 or fill out the contact form on our website.